Big thank you from

Real love

I would like to have money, and to travel afar
To live faraway o’er the sea
Where the sky’s always sunny, have my own private bar
But alas, it’s unlikely to be

Instead it’s my lot, a toss of the dice
Along with the partner I chose
To work long and hard, and to make sacrifice
Rewarding, as everyone knows

I remember my young wife go off on her own
In the pram, our son, one year of age
To pick up material to work on at home
To add a few bob to my wage

Around about then, she had problems galore
With anaemia, and all that it brings
So, a week or two later, I could bear it no more
To see her struggle with buttons and strings

I took the material back whence it came
And explained that we wouldn’t be back
I thought we would somehow survive just the same
And sure enough, we were soon back on track

I got another job, from six until nine
To add to my then eight till five
It did me no harm, though hard at the time,
Though old now, we’re both still alive

It hasn’t been a smooth path, all the while since
There were times to bring tears to your eye
But though we’ve had rows that still make me wince
I will love her till the day that I die



By The Dabbler